We also provide multi dimensional services as online and offline examination Logistics Support, OMR Services, Test Access Services and various processes services such as Application Processing, Admit Card Processing, Test Material Production, Test Day Management Services along with Post Testing Processes. We provide end to end solution for various exams/ tests to the clients, who can envision, innovate and relevant in their quest to get us the best. Company name has expertise ad-equality exercises for facility the swath conduct of various tests / exams right from venue booking to successful completion of the projects.
Our expert experienced and research team understand the need of our client, so that we serve and have flexibility, speed and dedication for achieving the goal. We also have a dedicated work force to fulfill all the requirements for temporary and permanent man-power. We strike to provide all the services to the utmost satisfactions of our clients to help to concentrate on their core business activities. We pledge to serve our clients and candidate with utmost satisfaction and dedication.
Entrance Exams
Recruitment Exams
Govt. Exams (Eg. SSC, IIBF, AWS)
Corporate Assessments
Student Assessments
Faculty Assessments
Scholarship Exams
Pre- Employment Verification
Enlightening Career Sources Pvt. Ltd. is a Delhi-based Career Counselling institution, that is established with the belief to provide every individual with a suitable career. We in ECS know every student is suited to do or be for a particular career path, just helping them to clear that confusion by focusing on their interest, passion, their knowledge, strengths, and weaknesses.
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